Turn the River


When Life Gives Lemons, Pick Up a Pool Stick

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

You can almost smell the clammy atmosphere inside the New York pool hall to which Kailey Sullivan (Famke Janssen), a tough cookie from upstate, periodically repairs to regain her bearings in “Turn the River.” Kailey, who has served time in prison, is a card shark and pool hustler who lives by her wits and exists in a state of such high anxiety that stress makes her retch.
The hall is managed by her gruff, kindly mentor, Quinette (Rip Torn), who lets her sleep on a pool table and scares up potentially profitable games for her. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (3925 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 9 Maggio 2008

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Carina Chocano
Stephen Holden
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