The Take

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Bob Baker

The Los Angeles Times

If you were going to show what happens to a man who loses the best part of himself, you'd want to cast John Leguizamo, who has spent his career leaping from one extreme characterization to another.
In "The Take," Leguizamo is armored-car driver Felix De La Pena, a sweet-natured family man in L.A.'s Eastside who tosses bromides to his young son ("Make good choices!") as he leaves for work.
In an instant, the life Felix has built with his wife, Marina (Rosie Perez), is destroyed when a menacing, well-organized hijacker (Tyrese Gibson) sticks a gun in Felix's face, forces him to participate in a robbery, then shoots him in the head, leaving him for dead. [...]

di Bob Baker, articolo completo (2157 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 11 aprile 2008

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Rachel Saltz
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