The Lucky Ones

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Surprises and Epiphanies for Soldiers on a Road Trip

di Laura Kern The New York Times

“The Lucky Ones,” a bittersweet comedy about three seemingly dissimilar American soldiers who embark on a road trip after their flights home are canceled, is the latest in a string of films inspired by the war in Iraq. But this one, written by Neil Burger and Dirk Wittenborn and directed by Mr. Burger, has little interest in making bold pro- or antiwar proclamations.
With a smooth, light touch (though not without bumps and awkward moments) it focuses instead on the idea that the present and the people who factor into it are all we really have. [...]

di Laura Kern, articolo completo (2039 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 26 settembre 2008

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Laura Kern
Michael Phillips
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