The Hammer


The low-key boxing film doesn't have a knockout punch but pleases nonetheless

di Gene Seymour The Los Angeles Times

At times, it's hard to tell whether "The Hammer" is goofing on the formulaic uplift-through-sports movie or wants very much to be considered a classic of the genre. But then, any movie whose hero starts his day by having to use his soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend's maxi pad as a coffee filter probably doesn't care where it fits in global cinematic terms.
The yo-yo in question is one Jerry Ferro, played by Adam Carolla, KLSX-FM morning host, late of "The Man Show" and one of this year's aspirants on "Dancing With the Stars. [...]

di Gene Seymour, articolo completo (2092 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 21 marzo 2008

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