The Dukes


Actor Robert Davi makes his directorial debut with a heist film featuring a doo-wop group, but it misses some high notes

di Robert Abele The Los Angeles Times

Thanks to a sandpapery mug, beady-eyed stare and menacing baritone, actor Robert Davi has carved out a sturdy career in movies and television playing hard cases on one side of the law or the other. So it's pleasant to report that his directorial debut, "The Dukes," while not without problems, at least showcases a tenderness and lightness of spirit that starts with Davi's performance as Danny, a doo-wop singer struggling to make ends meet in an unforgiving world for oldies acts.
Because the actor co-wrote the movie too, one might say an image-shifting campaign is afoot. [...]

di Robert Abele, articolo completo (2468 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 21 novembre 2008

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Mattia Nicoletti
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Robert Abele
Stephen Holden
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Peter Travers
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