The Babysitters


Writer-director David Ross ignores the ickiness of grown men wanting to have sex with teen girls

di Mark Olsen The Los Angeles Times

Sometimes timing really does make a difference, as the real world can creep in and frame perceptions of events on-screen. Having its theatrical release hot on the heels of the Miley Cyrus-Vanity Fair dust-up, "The Babysitters" flirts with many of the issues at the core of that manufactured scandal, questions involving how young people are to be expected to navigate a hyper-sexualized cultural landscape as well as the ways that the stunted emotional growth of the older age-brackets can trickle down the generational ladder. [...]

di Mark Olsen, articolo completo (2279 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 9 maggio 2008

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Mark Olsen
Stephen Holden
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