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Un film di Matthew Vaughn. Con Claire Danes, Ian McKellen, Bimbo Hart, Alastair MacIntosh, David Kelly, Ben Barnes.
Avventura, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 130 min. - Gran Bretagna, USA 2007. - Universal Pictures uscita venerdì 12 ottobre 2007. MYMONETRO Stardust * * 1/2 - - valutazione media: 2,94 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

When Stars (Celestial) Fall, and Stars (Hollywood) Fly

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

In “Stardust,” a sprawling, effects-laden fairy tale with the thundering stamina of a marathon horse race, Michelle Pfeiffer is Lamia, as deliciously evil a witch as the movies have ever invented. Shooting deadly green lightning from rings on her tapering long-nailed fingers, she suggests a seriously lethal beauty contestant of a certain age who will stop at nothing to seize the crown.
As the embodiment of every vain, wicked stepmother in fairy-tale literature mixed with the cauldron-tending crones of “Macbeth” (Lamia is one of three cackling sisters), Ms. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (5227 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 10 Agosto 2007

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Marzia Gandolfi
Pubblico (per gradimento)
  1° | giobbe
  2° | massimiliano di fede
  3° | irene p.
  4° | lilidrac
  5° | edoardo
  6° | alexia
  7° | antonello villani
  8° | giusepped88
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10° | kondor17
11° | elgatoloco
12° | dandy
13° | renato c.
14° | dottormente
15° | riccardo
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Raffaella Giancristofaro
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