Sangre de mi sangre


A Teenager’s Betrayal in Brooklyn

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

The most chilling image in “Sangre de Mi Sangre,” Christopher Zalla’s grim, incompletely realized story of identity theft and betrayal among illegal Mexican immigrants in the shabbier streets of Brooklyn, shows 17-year-old Pedro (Jorge Adrian Espindola) moments after he is booted from the truck that has smuggled him from Puebla to New York City.
Penniless, speaking no English, robbed of his backpack, he has only the supposed address of his father, Diego (Jesus Ochoa), whom he has never met. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (3563 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 16 maggio 2008

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Kevin Thomas
Stephen Holden
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