Oswald's Ghost

Un film di Robert Stone (IV). Documentario, durata 90 min. - USA 2007.

Haunted History

di Matt Zoller Seitz The New York Times

The documentary “Oswald’s Ghost” initially plays as yet another primer on the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the vilification of Lee Harvey Oswald, the normalization of conspiracy theory and the collective aftershocks of a murder many Americans still consider unsolved.
Because the movie covers well-worn territory — and interviews the usual boldface names, including the assassination theorists Mark Lane and Edward Jay Epstein, the former CBS beat reporter Dan Rather and Norman Mailer — its existence raises a question: Why go here again?
The answer coalesces in the film’s second half. [...]

di Matt Zoller Seitz, articolo completo (1383 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 30 Novembre 2007

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Matt Zoller Seitz
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