My Winnipeg

Un film di Guy Maddin. Con Darcy Fehr, Ann Savage Drammatico, - Canada 2007.

Old Stomping Grounds, Hallucinated

di John Anderson The New York Times

THE documentary form has been twisted in recent years, but few filmmakers have given it as many tortuous turns as Guy Maddin, the Canadian fantasist and director as pretzel maker, does in “My Winnipeg.”
Like all of Mr. Maddin’s work, this hometown portrait — commissioned by the Documentary Channel in Canada — skates along an icy edge between dreams and lucidity, fact and fiction, cinema and psychotherapy. A baroque survey of his childhood, spent growing up over a hair salon (his memories, Mr. [...]

di John Anderson, articolo completo (5562 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 6 Giugno 2008

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