In Search of a Midnight Kiss

Un film di Alex Holdridge. Con Scoot McNairy, Sara Simmonds, Brian McGuire, Kathleen Luong, Twink Caplan, Robert Murphy (III) Commedia, durata 90 min. - USA 2007.

Sorry, but Alex Holdridge's 'In Search of a Midnight Kiss' is not the epitome of independent cinema

di Mark Olsen The Los Angeles Times

Misanthrope seeks misanthrope" -- so reads the Craigslist ad placed by Wilson (Scoot McNairy) on the morning of New Year's Eve. A self-described "lonely hunker-down type," Wilson is new to Los Angeles, where he has moved to become a screenwriter, and is the sort of undiscovered good guy about which many an indie movie has been made. His ad is answered by Vivian (Sara Simmonds), a mouthy, moody piece of work and just the kind of quirky-difficult undiscovered angel about whom many an indie movie has been made. [...]

di Mark Olsen, articolo completo (2847 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 22 agosto 2008

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Mark Olsen
Manohla Dargis
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