En la ciudad de Sylvia

Un film di José Luis Guerín. Con Pilar López de Ayala, Xavier Lafitte Drammatico, durata 90 min. - Spagna 2007. MYMONETRO En la ciudad de Sylvia * * 1/2 - - valutazione media: 2,50 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

The Geometry of Desire, and the Hunt

di Nathan Lee The Village Voice

“In the City of Sylvia” proceeds from a simple, endlessly evocative premise. A handsome young man (Xavier Lafitte) returns to a large French city where he once encountered a beautiful woman named Sylvia. He sits in a cafe, avid for a rendezvous, and stares at the women around him, sipping his beer, listening to the ambient street symphony, studying faces and occasionally sketching them in his notebook.
He catches a glimpse of a woman who might be the beloved Sylvia and follows her through a maze of boulevards and alleyways. [...]

di Nathan Lee, articolo completo (2762 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Village Voice 12 dicembre 2008

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