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Un film di Anton Corbijn. Con Sam Riley, Samantha Morton, Alexandra Maria Lara, Joe Anderson, James Anthony Pearson.
Biografico, b/n durata 122 min. - USA 2007. - Metacinema uscita venerdì 24 ottobre 2008. MYMONETRO Control * * * 1/2 - valutazione media: 3,50 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Music To Brood By, Desolate And Stark

di Simon Reynolds The New York Times

THE mystique surrounding Joy Division has always been way out of proportion to its record sales. Far bigger bands, like the Clash and Pink Floyd, are still waiting for their biopics, but this post-punk cult band from Manchester, England, has two to its name. The first, the bright, hyper-active ''24 Hour Party People,'' from 2002, couldn't be further in mood from the lustrous monochrome and stillness of the new film, ''Control.''
''Party People'' wasn't entirely devoted to Joy Division. (The lead character was Tony Wilson, Factory Records' co-founder and a patron and champion of the band. [...]

di Simon Reynolds, articolo completo (8082 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 7 Ottobre 2007

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