Chaos Theory


Overcoming Time’s Tyranny

di Laura Kern The New York Times

As most of us know only too well, our lives are ruled by the clock. In Marcos Siega’s “Chaos Theory,” Frank Allen (Ryan Reynolds), an uptight author and motivational speaker who teaches people how to utilize each minute efficiently, tries to overcome time’s tyranny by strictly following self-imposed schedules and lists.
But the loss of 10 minutes after his wife, Susan (Emily Mortimer), playfully turns the clock back one morning sets off a chain of increasingly absurd events that forces him to reassess his domestic bliss; his caddish best friend, Buddy (Stuart Townsend); and his approach to life in general. [...]

di Laura Kern, articolo completo (1463 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 11 aprile 2008

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