Breakfast With Scot


Gay Jock Meets Girlie-Boy and Bonding Is Awkward

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

In “Breakfast With Scot,” an effeminate 11-year-old boy who loves boas, beads and Broadway musicals is taken in by a semi-closeted gay male couple, Eric (Tom Cavanagh) and Sam (Ben Shenkman), after his mother dies of a drug overdose. That mother was the common-law wife of Sam's wastrel brother, Billy, who has left for Brazil promising to return and leaving the boy, Scot (Noah Bernett), in the custody of child services.
Because Eric is a former hockey star turned sportscaster, the presence in his home of an auburn-haired girlie-boy with a flouncing gait and a fondness for Christmas carols threatens his masculine self-image, not to mention his reputation as a macho sports hero. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (3255 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 10 Ottobre 2008

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Kevin Thomas
Stephen Holden
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