Battle in Seattle

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When Worlds Collided by Puget Sound

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

“Battle in Seattle” is a film that leaves bruises. A visceral fictionalized account of the 1999 demonstrations in Seattle against the World Trade Organization, it repeatedly plunges you into the kicking and screaming melee of peaceful protest gone awry. Cries rend the air and bodies crumple as police batons are swung and tear-gas canisters explode. This is what happens, the movie warns, when the powers that be are unprepared for the magnitude of organized opposition and impulsively lash back. Resistance gives way to fury, and fury incites chaos. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (4777 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 19 Settembre 2008

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Andreina Sirena
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Kenneth Turan
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