Al ritmo del ballo

Un film di Ian Iqbal Rashid. Con Tre Armstrong, Boyd Banks, Clé Bennett, Ardon Bess, Conrad Coates.
Titolo originale How She Move. Drammatico, Ratings: Kids+13, - Canada 2007.

The dance-driven 'How She Move' puts a kinetic, fresh face on some familiar plot elements -- and the filmmakers showcase the steps, not the edits

di Michael Phillips The Los Angeles Times

It sounds corny, but "How She Move" proves you can't judge a film by its plot line, even if it sounds suspiciously similar to a few other movies about stomping the yard and dreaming your dream and dancing like you mean it.
Since you asked: A bright young woman from a tough urban neighborhood is on the way to academic achievement at a tony private school. Her sister, an addict, overdoses and dies, which brings Raya back to the old, mean neighborhood, where her Jamaican immigrant parents struggle to eke out a living and keep their surviving daughter out of trouble. [...]

di Michael Phillips, articolo completo (2632 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 25 gennaio 2008

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