Marie Antoinette

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Un film di Sofia Coppola. Con Kirsten Dunst, Jason Schwartzman, Rip Torn, Judy Davis, Asia Argento.
Biografico, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 123 min. - USA, Giappone, Francia 2006. uscita venerdì 17 novembre 2006. MYMONETRO Marie Antoinette * * 1/2 - - valutazione media: 2,94 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

^_^ Valutazione 5 stelle su cinque

di may

domenica 10 febbraio 2008

Hi gefgefslock I don't Know if you are referring to me in your message but I translate equally the text of Mary Robinson that I mentioned: "If there are political feeptics, who affect to place the genuine strenght of foul to a bold but desperate temerity, rather than to sublime effort of heroism, let them contemplate the last moments of Marie Antoinette; this extraordinary WOMAN, whose days had passed in luxurious splendour; whose will had been little lefs than law! Behold her hurled from the most towering altitude of power and vanity; insulted, mocked, derided, stigmatized, yet unappalled even at the instant when she was compelled to endure an ignominious death!" ^_^Greetings

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