A Man Named Pearl

Un film di Scott Galloway. Documentario, durata 78 min. - USA 2006.

More than plants grow in his yard

di Gary Goldstein The Los Angeles Times

In 1976, when Pearl Fryar and his wife moved to tiny Bishopville, S.C., a prospective neighbor asserted, "black people don't keep up their yards." The Fryars settled in a more "welcoming" part of town and proved the bigots wrong in a way that gave "ironic" new meaning. Without formal training -- just passion, energy and discards from the local nursery -- Pearl began sculpting his acreage into a dazzling array of abstract topiary art, earning this sharecropper's son the local "Yard of the Month" award. [...]

di Gary Goldstein, articolo completo (1347 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 25 luglio 2008

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