

A Swedish Cop, Not a Danish Prince, but Still Melancholy

di Marilyn Stasio The New York Times

FOR his first recurring role in a television series Kenneth Branagh will play a detective on “Masterpiece Mystery!” But as the title character of “Wallander,” Mr. Branagh, the Irish-born actor-director, won’t be writing poetry, listening to opera or staring moodily into the Channel mists, as sensitive, well-educated Scotland Yard police inspectors tend to do on this series. Instead the perpetually sleep-deprived and disheveled detective he plays will be dragging himself off to pick up body parts at the various immolations, ax murders, scalpings and other bizarre homicides depicted in three 90-minute dramas beginning Sunday on PBS, activities far better suited to the idiosyncratic character of Inspector Kurt Wallander, a Swedish detective who personifies the existential angst of the modern hero in 10 hugely popular novels by Henning Mankell. [...]

di Marilyn Stasio, articolo completo (5985 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 10 maggio 2009

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