Man Push Cart

Un film di Ramin Bahrani. Con Ahmad Razvi, Leticia Dolera, Charles Daniel Sandoval, Ali Reza, Farooq 'Duke' Muhammad.
Titolo originale Man Push Cart. Drammatico, durata 87 min. - USA 2005. MYMONETRO Man Push Cart * * * 1/2 - valutazione media: 3,57 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Michael Atkinson

The Village Voice

Shaped like a relentless blues chant, Ramin Bahrani's hand-sized film Man Push Cart casts a watchful eye on an overlooked New York ubiquity: the street-corner coffee-and-bagel vendor. Whatever else happens in the life of Bahrani's Pakistani hero Ahmad (Ahmad Razvi), the routine of stocking, pulling (not pushing), and tending the massive snack cart dominates his foreground. Shooting in a tiny unit on 35mm, Bahrani scans the treadmill so carefully we could do the job ourselves. Not that we'd want to—it's skill-free yet Sisyphean labor designed for immigrants with higher thresholds for despair and low-wage frustration than Americans habitually possess. [...]

di Michael Atkinson, articolo completo (2510 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Village Voice 29 agosto 2006

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Peter Hartlaub
Thessaloniki (3)
Seattle (1)
Riga (1)
Ojai (1)
Mannheim-Heidelberg (1)
London Film Festival (1)

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