Man Push Cart

Un film di Ramin Bahrani. Con Ahmad Razvi, Leticia Dolera, Charles Daniel Sandoval, Ali Reza, Farooq 'Duke' Muhammad.
Titolo originale Man Push Cart. Drammatico, durata 87 min. - USA 2005. MYMONETRO Man Push Cart * * * 1/2 - valutazione media: 3,57 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Peter Hartlaub

San Francisco Chronicle

"Man Push Cart" is a minimalist film about one of the least discussed occupations on the planet. For the first 10 minutes of the story about a struggling Manhattan bagel vendor, you may find it difficult to tell whether the movie is a documentary or a piece of fiction. It's a little bit of both. The most interesting parts of the film, which chronicles the Sisyphean existence of a former Pakistani singing star named Ahmad, are the results of director Ramin Bahrani's research, which included hanging out with pushcart vendors for more than a year. [...]

di Peter Hartlaub, articolo completo (2461 caratteri spazi inclusi) su San Francisco Chronicle 8 ottobre 2006

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Peter Hartlaub
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