Gioventù violata - Fierce People

Un film di Griffin Dunne. Con Diane Lane, Anton Yelchin, Donald Sutherland, Chris Evans, Kristen Stewart.
Titolo originale Fierce People. Drammatico, durata 135 min. - Canada, USA 2005. Acquista »

Surviving in That Rain Forest East of the Delaware River

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

When F. Scott Fitzgerald remarked that the rich “are different from you and me,” he might have been thinking of someone like Ogden C. Osborne (Donald Sutherland), the reclusive, moody billionaire who casts a long shadow in Griffin Dunne's film “Fierce People.” With his blue-eyed, wide-as-the-sky stare, white beard and patriarchal rumble, Mr. Sutherland is the embodiment of a proud old aristocrat, slowly going to ruin, who knows too much about the dark side of human nature for his own comfort. He knows, for instance, that many if not most fortunes begin with crimes. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (4340 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 7 settembre 2007

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Stephen Holden
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