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Un film di John Musker, Ron Clements. Con Scott Weinger, Brad Kane, Robin Williams, Bruce Adler, Linda Larkin, Lea Salonga.
Animazione, Ratings: Kids, durata 90 min. - USA 1992. - Walt Disney MYMONETRO Aladdin * * * 1/2 - valutazione media: 3,60 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.


di Alexis

Feedback: 2 | altri commenti e recensioni di Alexis
mercoledì 8 maggio 2019

Aladdin is a 1992 animated film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The evil wizard Jafar, Grand Vizier of the Sultan of Agrabah, is trying in every way to get hold of the Magic Lamp found in the Cave of Wonders.This legendary object contains a Genius able to fulfill three wishes and, Jafar, thinks of using this enormous power to ascend the throne of Agrabah by passing the Sultan. After he noticed that the cave is not accessible to anyone, the evil wizard understands that he is obliged to find the right person.
Meanwhile, Princess Jasmine, daughter of the widowed Sultan, bored by her life and her regal obligations, decides to escape from the palace to go and explore her city in disguise.
At the market she meets  Aladdin, a young street thief, forced to carry out this infamous trade to survive and feed Abu, his domestic monkey. The two starting talking and they find out that they are in great harmony despite belonging to very different social classes. And she instantly falls in love with it. However, Jafar  discovers he can use the young petty thief for his purposes since, in fact, the boy is apparently common but extremely humble and good. With an excuse he  captures and locked up in the dungeons where, disguised as an elder, he offers him a plan for escape and mutual aid, including the introduction into the Cave of Wonders to take the Lamp. Obviously he does not reveal the power of it and thus manages to convince Aladdin.Aladdin and Abu, accompanied by Jafar old version, go to the desert and enter the Cavern. Here they discover a puzzling reality: the cave is full of treasures like gold, coins, jewels. The two pass by and look for the famous bargaining item with their elderly friend.They all come together to the top of the entrance, where, however, Jafar tries to kill them by stealing the Lamp and making them fall into the ravine of the cave. Everything seems lost for the three imprisoned, until Abu, an expert in theft like her master, managed to seize the famous Lamp again and then hands it to Aladdin, who, by accidentally rubbing it, brings out the Genius.
He reveals his magical gifts and, to prove his power, he gets them  out of that macabre place.
Having arrived safely at Agrabah, Aladdin plans to use his desires to make himself a prince and thus be able to conquer and marry Jasmine, of which he is madly in love.
A lot of things surprise the public: first of all the impossible love story, it looks like a  Cliché: a princess destined to marry a prince, falls madly in love with him, a poor street thief forced to steal to survive. She escapes in disguise by going to the Agrabah market where no one recognizes her. Here he meets Aladdin who belongs totally to another social class. Initially, he does not notice the real blood flowing in the veins of the young new friend.At the end of the film, Jasmine doesn't care about the origins of the beloved and so he manages to be appreciated as he is.Another Disney masterpiece, the character of the Genius: nice and irreverent.  The Genius of the Lamp makes the story less dull and boring making it become more animated and original.The designers also made the right choice by building the antagonist character, Jafar who, for all intents and purposes, has been and continues to remain, one of the scariest Disney villains.

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  • Aladdin (recensione del 08/05/2019)
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Lietta Tornabuoni
Premio Oscar (12)
Golden Globes (10)

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