Chorus line

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Un film di Richard Attenborough. Con Michael Blevins, Yamil Borges, Jan Gan Boyd, Sharon Brown, Gregg Burge, Michael Douglas, Cameron English, Tony Fields, Nicole Fosse, Vicki Frederick.
Titolo originale A Chorus Line. Musicale, durata 113 min. - USA 1985. MYMONETRO Chorus line * * * - - valutazione media: 3,07 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

They Really Need This Job. Watch Them Try to Get It.

di Sylviane Gold The New York Times

EARLY in his career James D. Stern got a job assisting the writer of a small — really small — Off Broadway musical. When a few hundred people showed up to audition, Mr. Stern recalled recently, he was shocked. “I kept saying, ‘They’re not all here for this, are they?’ ”
It taught Mr. Stern, who went on to produce plays, musicals and movies, just how steeply the supply of stage performers outstrips the demand. So when he and Adam Del Deo, with whom he has shared the producing and directing of two documentaries, agreed to do one about the casting of the 2006 Broadway revival of “A Chorus Line,” they had a pretty good idea of how many auditioners they would face. [...]

di Sylviane Gold, articolo completo (7710 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 12 Aprile 2009

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Sylviane Gold
Premio Oscar (7)
Golden Globes (2)

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