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scarface is the best Valutazione 5 stelle su cinque

di montana-nightmare

giovedì 13 settembre 2007

Do you know why we love Scarface? Because most of the times we don't have the guts to be what we wanna be. We need people like him. We need people like him so we can point our fucking fingers and say "that's the bad guy". scarface video scenes:

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  1° | nathan
  2° | reiver
  3° | travis promoters
  4° | linda polverari
  5° | jackopo1088
  6° | tony montana
  7° | bevete la grappa di pino
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11° | andrea castello
12° | flegiàs tn
13° | gustibus
14° | nicolò
15° | paolo ciarpaglini
16° | aristoteles
17° | bella earl!
18° | alfonso nero
19° | byrne
20° | evildevin87
21° | fiore81
Rassegna stampa
Stefano Reggiani
Mario Gromo
Rassegna stampa
Aldo Spiniello
Golden Globes (3)

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