I tre giorni del Condor

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Un film di Sydney Pollack. Con Robert Redford, Max von Sydow, Faye Dunaway, Cliff Robertson, Addison Powell.
Titolo originale Three Days of the Condor. Drammatico, durata 117 min. - USA 1975. MYMONETRO I tre giorni del Condor * * * - - valutazione media: 3,48 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

forever rich Valutazione 4 stelle su cinque

di Josephdari

Feedback: 682 | altri commenti e recensioni di Josephdari
domenica 5 dicembre 2010


The gender of the movie is: Spy Story, it was directed on 1975 by Sidney Pollack and based on a story of James Grady; acted by Robert Redford, Faye Dunaway, Max Von sidow, Cliff Robertson and Addison Powell.
Joe Turned (called Condor) is a tranquil employee who collaborates with the American Secret Services for which his task is to analyse some books, newspapers, magazines produced abroad in order to detect any interesting news o messages. 
A given day, while coming back from a self-service, he finds his coleagues all murdered.
Following the protocol, he calls his belonging Department to report what happened.
They give him a date to rescue him, considering that the killers will realize soon the presence of a survivor; however, in reality, it's a trap: his coordinator (that he has never known) goes armed to this appointment to eliminate him definitively; however, Turner, who's too smart for a simple employee, succeeds to defend himself and to injury him, running away, sheltering himself at Kathy's house, an accidently met girl. Condor understands that the deviated Secret Services have organized that massacre and he's in danger. Evidently, he and his coleagues have detected a document that hadn't to be detected.
With the help of Kathy, Condor succeeds to confront two attacks against him and to unmask Leonard Attwood, Coordinator of the Secret Services in the Middle East and mandator of the massacre.
In reality, Turner and his coleagues had casually discovered a perverse plan of Attwood: the production of some fake information in order to justify an American invasion of the Middle East.
Attwood will be eliminated, but his project will not be sanded and his accomplices wont save themselves because Turner will write a report to be posted on the New York Times.
this work differs from the other ones belonging to this gender for a reason: the told story is plausible and not excessively romanced.
The actors are good but the italian dubbers  much more than them. Having watched both versions, I can affirm that the Italian one is much more fascinating.

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