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Mad Men, Sad Men

di Richard Brody The New Yorker

The stifled rage of middle-class, middle-aged ennui is on view as early as the opening credits of John Cassavetes's "Husbands" (Sony), which call the film "a comedy about life, death, and freedom." Cassavetes had to cut the film by nearly an hour and a half to get it down to the contractual length of a hundred and forty minutes, but Columbia, the studio that produced the film, nonetheless cut another eleven minutes (restored in this DVD) during its first run, in 1970, in response to negative reviews (including one from Pauline Kael, in this magazine) and audience walkouts. [...]

di Richard Brody, articolo completo (2452 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New Yorker 10 agosto 2009

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