Una storia americana [1]

Un film di Jean-Luc Godard. Con Anna Karina, Jean-Pierre Léaud, Marianne Faithfull, László Szabó, Yves Afonso Titolo originale Made in Usa. Poliziesco, durata 90 min. - Francia 1966.

Politics and conspiracy intertwine in Jean-Luc Godard's 1966 film

di Kevin Thomas The Los Angeles Times

Legal problems are said to have held up the theatrical release of Jean-Luc Godard's "Made in U.S.A.," which screened for two nights at the Vista Theater in 1983 and arrives now for a one-week run at the Nuart in West Los Angeles. In terms of Godard's body of work, the 1966 film is as challenging as it is important.
Nominally a film noir, "Made in U.S.A." plunges the viewer into a morass of political intrigue. Elliptical in the extreme and loaded with cinematic and political references, the film is nevertheless compelling because of Anna Karina's radiant presence and Godard's stunning images, dry wit, political fervor and endless inventiveness and daring. [...]

di Kevin Thomas, articolo completo (1966 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 16 gennaio 2009

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Kevin Thomas
A. O. Scott
Rassegna stampa
Adelio Ferrero
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