Una storia americana [1]

Un film di Jean-Luc Godard. Con Anna Karina, Jean-Pierre Léaud, Marianne Faithfull, László Szabó, Yves Afonso Titolo originale Made in Usa. Poliziesco, durata 90 min. - Francia 1966.

Godard’s ’60s Policier, Set in Atlantic City, France

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

The mid-1960s were Jean-Luc Godard’s heroic period, the time when the vector of his talent seemed almost uncannily aligned with the direction of history. Between 1964 and 1967 Mr. Godard directed a mind-boggling nine feature films, completing one every few months in a frenzy of productivity that blurred the line between prolific and compulsive.
That a handful of these films have become touchstones — classics even — is one of the jokes that history likes to play now and then as it transforms bloody-minded aesthetic radicals into canonical figures. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (4205 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 9 Gennaio 2009

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Kevin Thomas
A. O. Scott
Rassegna stampa
Adelio Ferrero
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