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Un film di Alain Cavalier. Con Jean-Louis Trintignant, Romy Schneider, Henri Serre, Diane Lepvrier, Robert Bousquet.
Titolo originale Le combat dans l'île. Drammatico, b/n durata 104 min. - Francia 1962.

French Political Thriller as Allegory, but There’s a Bazooka in the Closet

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

In “The Conformist,” Bertolucci’s 1970 film about the moral corruption and aesthetic decadence of Italy under Mussolini, the French actor Jean-Louis Trintignant laid bare some of the psychological dimensions of the Fascist personality with a sinister precision rarely matched before or since. Admirers of that performance will find a precedent in “Le Combat dans l’Île,” a curious and fascinating French film from 1962 in which Mr. Trintignant in effect rehearses, in his native language, the creepy and seductive mixture of sadism and insecurity he would translate into Italian eight years later. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (3935 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times

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