Magnifica ossessione

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Magnificent Obsession(s)

di Dave Kehr The New York Times

A wealthy young wastrel, Bob Merrick, cracks up his speedboat and almost dies, to be saved at the last minute by a resuscitator borrowed from the home of a famous surgeon who lives nearby. In the meantime the surgeon himself has suffered an attack, and, with his equipment out on loan, dies before he can be revived. The guilt-ridden Bob clumsily tries to make amends by romancing the surgeon's young widow, Helen, but only causes further tragedy: escaping his embrace, she is struck by a car and blinded. [...]

di Dave Kehr, articolo completo (6368 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 20 gennaio 2008

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Rassegna stampa
Dave Kehr
Premio Oscar (1)

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