Scarpette rosse

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Un film di Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger. Con Anton Walbrook, Marius Goring, Moira Shearer, Ludmilla Tchérina, Léonide Massine.
Titolo originale The red shoes. Drammatico, durata 133 min. - Gran Bretagna 1948. MYMONETRO Scarpette rosse * * * * - valutazione media: 4,10 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari. Acquista »

Life and Death Matters

di Anthony Lane The New Yorker

By popular demand, “The Red Shoes” is returning for another run at Film Forum, beginning February 19th. New York has always been kind to the movie, which, to the dismay of its creators, Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, faltered and flopped when it opened on British screens in 1948. Salvation arrived in the form of the Bijou Theatre, at Broadway and Forty-fifth Street, where the film showed for more than two years. Ballet-crazy children—or “half the little girls in America,” as Powell put it—were an important sector of that audience, and I trust that some of them, now in their limber seventies, will head downtown to reforge an old acquaintance. [...]

di Anthony Lane, articolo completo (3599 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New Yorker 8 febbraio 2010

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  1° | dandy
  2° | carloalberto
  3° | pinkyblack
Rassegna stampa
Manohla Dargis
Rassegna stampa
Anthony Lane
Premio Oscar (9)

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