La vita è meravigliosa

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Un film di Frank Capra. Con Gloria Grahame, Thomas Mitchell, Lionel Barrymore, James Stewart, Henry Travers.
Titolo originale It's a Wonderful Life. Fantastico, b/n durata 129 min. - USA 1946. MYMONETRO La vita è meravigliosa * * * * 1/2 valutazione media: 4,84 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Wonderful? Sorry, George, It’s a Pitiful, Dreadful Life

di Wendell Jamieson The New York Times

MR. ELLMAN didn’t tell us why he wanted us to stay after school that December afternoon in 1981. When we got to the classroom — cinderblock walls, like all the others, with a dreary view of the parking lot — we smelled popcorn.
He had set up a 16-millimeter projector and a movie screen, and rearranged the chairs. Book bags, jackets and overcoats were tossed on seat backs, teenagers sat, suspicious, slumping, and Mr. Ellman started the projector whirring. “It’s a Wonderful Life” filled the screen. [...]

di Wendell Jamieson, articolo completo (11433 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 19 dicembre 2008

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