
Film 2009 | Drammatico +16

Regia di Jonathan Parker. Un film con Adam Goldberg, Marley Shelton, Vinnie Jones, Eion Bailey, David Beach, Kelly Deadmon. Cast completo Genere Drammatico - USA, 2009, Consigli per la visione di bambini e ragazzi: +16


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Ultimo aggiornamento martedì 17 luglio 2012

Al Box Office Usa (Untitled) ha incassato nelle prime 2 settimane di programmazione 111 mila dollari e 19,1 mila dollari nel primo weekend.

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Un gallerista d'arte di Chelsea s'innamora di un pensieroso nuovo compositore musicale in questa storia comica sullo stato dell'arte contemporanea.

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Stephen Holden
The New York Times

Jonathan Parker’s acutely witty art-world satire, “(Untitled),” carries off a tricky balancing act. It invites us to view the fictitious avant-garde musicians, visual artists, gallery owners, collectors and critics trooping across the screen as fraudulent, self-deluded buffoons. But at the same time it takes these visionary oddballs — and the art they make, buy and sell — seriously enough to force [...] Vai alla recensione »

Gary Goldstein
The Los Angeles Times

As in the best movie satires, there's a solid core of truth informing director Jonathan Parker's "(Untitled)," which takes on the New York art and music worlds in one smart and funny swoop. The film, co-written by Parker and Catherine DiNapoli, strikes a mostly happy balance between observational farce and heightened reality, without defaulting to the overly broad or ridiculous just to prove a point. [...] Vai alla recensione »

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