
Film 2009 | Documentario

Regia di Kirby Dick. Un film con Barney Frank, Becky Altringer, Tanner King Barklow. Genere Documentario - USA, 2009,


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Ultimo aggiornamento mercoledì 13 maggio 2009

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Documentario sull'ipocrisia di alcuni politici americani che, con la complicità dei media, offuscano i diritti della comunità gay schierandosi contro, mentre in privato coltivano atteggiamenti sessuali contrastanti.

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Peter Travers
Rolling Stone

This incendiary documentary "outs" allegedly gay politicians who oppose gay rights in order to keep their sexual identities in the closet. Whatever you think of the pushy methods of Oscar-nominated filmmaker Kirby Dick (Twist of Fate, Sick, This Film Is Not Yet Rated) to examine the likes of Idaho's Larry Craig, Florida's Charlie Crist and Dubya's campaign manager Ken Mehlman, you can't deny the grave [...] Vai alla recensione »

A. O. Scott
The New York Times

With horror-movie music and stark white-on-gray titles, “Outrage” promises to illuminate a “brilliant conspiracy” that protects the secret lives of some powerful politicians while ensuring that the rights and interests of ordinary gay and lesbian Americans remain marginal. The choice of the word conspiracy may be deliberately provocative, but this indignant and methodical new documentary, directed [...] Vai alla recensione »

Kenneth Turan
The Los Angeles Times

Outrage" is a title that demands to be broken into two parts: "out" and "rage." A powerful and disturbing documentary by Kirby Dick, it examines one of the most unexpected dynamics in contemporary American politics: the existence of right-wing, family-values conservative Republicans who are alleged to be closeted gays themselves. It's a film that will cause a lot of talk, but its most compelling [...] Vai alla recensione »

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