God and Gays: Bridging the Gap

Film 2006 | Documentario

Regia di Luane Beck. Un film con Luane Beck, Darlene Bogle, Peggy Campolo, Kim Clark, Valerie Joi Fiddmont. Cast completo Genere Documentario - USA, 2006,


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The documentary explores homosexualtiy and the Bible.
Kevin Thomas
Kevin Thomas

Kim Clark and Luane Beck's "God and Gays: Bridging the Gap" is an excellent companion piece to Daniel Karslake's "For the Bible Tells Us So," and even the interviews feature several of the same people. The films make the point that for millenniums gays have been oppressed and worse by a literal interpretation of the Bible that is, in fact, challenged by linguistic scholarship.
Indeed, the film's most dynamic interviewee, the Rev. Deborah L. Johnson, points out that the word "homosexual" never appeared in the Bible until the 1946 Revised Standard Version. Both films are inescapably preaching to the choir, since fundamentalists are not likely to watch such documentaries. Yet Clark and Beck's film is nevertheless empowering. Almost everyone interviewed was raised in a fundamentalist family, and most endured years of conflict, guilt and isolation. Yet they eventually came to accept their homosexuality and come out to family and friends -- resulting, in many instances, in rejection -- and move on to productive lives and relationships. Most all are involved in careers and causes aimed at bettering the lives of gay people. In the process, they have managed to hold on to their faith in a God they believe loves them. Their stories are filled with searing pain, real courage -- and a triumph of the spirit.
Da The Los Angeles Times, 27 ottobre 2008

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Kevin Thomas
The Los Angeles Times

Kim Clark and Luane Beck's "God and Gays: Bridging the Gap" is an excellent companion piece to Daniel Karslake's "For the Bible Tells Us So," and even the interviews feature several of the same people. The films make the point that for millenniums gays have been oppressed and worse by a literal interpretation of the Bible that is, in fact, challenged by linguistic scholarship.

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