Hamlet 2

Film 2008 | Commedia 92 min.

Regia di Andrew Fleming. Un film con Steve Coogan, Catherine Keener, Amy Poehler, David Arquette, Elisabeth Shue, Skylar Astin. Genere Commedia - USA, 2008, durata 92 minuti.


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Al Box Office Usa Hamlet 2 ha incassato nelle prime 5 settimane di programmazione 4,9 milioni di dollari e 435 mila dollari nel primo weekend.

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Un'irriverente commedia che cerca di ironizzare sui vari High School Musical e sui teen movie che tanta fortuna hanno avuto in questi ultimi anni.

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Kenneth Turan
The Los Angeles Times

What can you say about "Hamlet 2" that its title doesn't already tell you? It's an unhinged, off-the-wall comedy that will try anything once, an uneven film in which the hits are so dead-on that the misses don't seem to matter. The story of a high school drama teacher who refuses to say die when his program is terminated, "Hamlet 2" was a crowd-pleaser at Sundance, where it sparked a bidding war. [...] Vai alla recensione »

Peter Travers
Rolling Stone

Don't expect a night with The Bard. This cuckoo farce asks: Can an L.A. actor stuck doing ads for herpes cures find happiness by moving to Tucson and teaching drama to high schoolers? Probably not. But you'll be wearing a happy face for two hours watching the brilliant Brit comic Steve Coogan play him. Him being Dana Marschz (pronounced Mars-chhh-zzz by those who dare), a sterile recovering alcoholic [...] Vai alla recensione »

Stephen Holden
The New York Times

“Hamlet 2” belongs to the school of free-for-all satiric farce whose creators ball up wads of ideas, apply chewing gum and hurl them against the wall to see what sticks. If the style smacks of desperation, enough of the jokes cling to make “Hamlet 2,” directed by Andrew Fleming, intermittently funny. The gum is the British actor Steve Coogan’s maniacal portrayal of a spectacularly untalented and [...] Vai alla recensione »

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