Meet the Browns

Film 2008 | Commedia +13 100 min.

Durata100 minuti
Regia diTyler Perry
AttoriTyler Perry, David Mann, Tamela J. Mann, Angela Bassett, Lance Gross .
RatingConsigli per la visione di bambini e ragazzi: +13

Regia di Tyler Perry. Un film con Tyler Perry, David Mann, Tamela J. Mann, Angela Bassett, Lance Gross. Genere Commedia - USA, 2008, durata 100 minuti. Consigli per la visione di bambini e ragazzi: +13


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Al Box Office Usa Meet the Browns ha incassato nelle prime 6 settimane di programmazione 41,9 milioni di dollari e 20,1 milioni di dollari nel primo weekend.

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Brenda, una donna single che vive a Chicago, un giorno riceve la notizia della morte del padre che non ha mai conosciuto. Decisa a partecipare ai funerali, si reca in Georgia, dove conosce la famiglia di suo padre e trova l'amore.

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Mark Olsen
The Los Angeles Times

The films (and videos and plays and book and television show) created by Tyler Perry have always been first and foremost about brand formation and management more so than any conventional notion of cultivating an artistic voice. People now know what they are going to get when they purchase a Tyler Perry product -- contemporary, faith-based morality tales tailored to comfort and confirm the values [...] Vai alla recensione »

A. O. Scott
The New York Times

The Court Street 12-plex in Brooklyn is a perfectly ordinary movie theater, a vertically arranged variation on what is found in suburban shopping malls throughout the land. It is a place to watch Hollywood blockbusters in stadium seating with a concession-stand combo special in your lap. The crowds, though, are anything but generic, thanks to the cinema’s location.

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