The Hammer

Film 2007 | Commedia 88 min.

Regia di Charles Herman-Wurmfeld. Un film con Adam Carolla, Oswaldo Castillo, Harold House Moore, Jonathan Hernandez, Heather Juergensen. Cast completo Genere Commedia - USA, 2007, durata 88 minuti.


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La vita di un quarantenne ordinario, Jerry Ferro, ex promessa della boxe, che ha l'opportunità di salire sul ring ancora una volta.

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Matt Zoller Seitz
The New York Times

The synopsis of “The Hammer” makes it sound like a long-lost Billy Crystal movie: a smart-alecky, self-destructive Los Angeles handyman named Jerry Ferro (Adam Carolla) loses his job and his girlfriend, then reconnects with his past as a Golden Gloves boxer and tries to qualify for the United States Olympic team at 40. Mr. Carolla, an amateur boxer and cable television veteran, has a tendency to [...] Vai alla recensione »

Gene Seymour
The Los Angeles Times

At times, it's hard to tell whether "The Hammer" is goofing on the formulaic uplift-through-sports movie or wants very much to be considered a classic of the genre. But then, any movie whose hero starts his day by having to use his soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend's maxi pad as a coffee filter probably doesn't care where it fits in global cinematic terms. The yo-yo in question is one Jerry Ferro, played by [...] Vai alla recensione »

Jan Stuart
The Los Angeles Times

Why don't mockumentaries ever go after targets worth the mocking? In lieu of pointed send-ups of our feckless political leaders, we get easy caricatures of such don't-make-waves subjects as dog shows, regional theater, folk music and now -- don't everyone cheer at once -- poker game championships. Writers Zak Penn and Matt Bierman brainstormed the idea and characters for this ESPN-style coverage of [...] Vai alla recensione »

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