The Informers

Film 2008 | Drammatico

Regia di Gregor Jordan. Un film con Billy Bob Thornton, Kim Basinger, Amber Heard, Mickey Rourke, Winona Ryder, Jon Foster. Cast completo Genere Drammatico - USA, Germania, 2008,


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Ultimo aggiornamento sabato 25 aprile 2009

Al Box Office Usa The Informers ha incassato 300 mila dollari .

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Ambientato a Los Angeles, nel 1983, il dramma si sviluppa nell'arco di una settimana durante la quale saranno raccontate le storie di sette personaggi tra cui giovani viziati, produttori cinematografici, rockstars e persino un vampiro..

THE INFORMERS disponibile in DVD o BluRay


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lunedì 7 dicembre 2009

Siamo nei fascinosi anni '80. Con precisione nel 1983. L'Aids sta prendendo piede, l'eccesso è la strada della saggezza ed un complicato gurppo di persone, apparentemente slegato tra loro, cerca di dipanarsi tra vicende e situazioni particolarmente drammatiche. Sesso, droga e Rock & Roll, questi sono gli ingredienti chiave del film. Una storia depravata fatta di persone dalla dubbia moralità.

Michael Cieply
The New York Times

LOS ANGELES — From a glass-walled penthouse above the Sunset Strip it is impossible not to observe that times have changed. Just down the street, the original Spago restaurant, that emblem of the flush 1980s, is an empty shell. And here in the penthouse offices of Senator Entertainment, Bret Easton Ellis, another symbol of those super-slick times, is sprawled in a soft chair, wearing decidedly [...] Vai alla recensione »

Peter Travers
Rolling Stone

Do some blow. Curse humanity. Convert to nilhilism. Reread American Psycho. But don't for the love of God and cinema see The Informers. One of the worst movies of this or any year, The Informers is a complete misreading of the collection of linked short stories by Bret Easton Ellis, which is odd since Ellis wrote the script with Nicholas Jarecki. Published in 1994, the book sent up the beautiful bottomfeed [...] Vai alla recensione »

Robert Abele
The Los Angeles Times

Co-adapted by Bret Easton Ellis from his interconnected stories of sinful excess in early '80s Los Angeles, "The Informers" conjures up plenty of debauched tableaux with its photogenic, jaded showbiz denizens and hangers-on, but nary a reason for existing. It's a movie with Altmanesque pretensions, but under Gregor Jordan's flat-line direction amounts to flipping through an out-of-date fashion magazine, [...] Vai alla recensione »

A. O. Scott
The New York Times

Graham (Jon Foster) and Martin (Austin Nichols) are sitting in a Porsche parked in the hills overlooking Los Angeles. Graham is doing a lot of coke. Martin has been doing Graham’s mom, and also Graham’s girlfriend, Christie (Amber Heard), and also — as he points out just in case we were having trouble identifying the naked blond bodies piling up in various beds — Graham.

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